Top reasons you need security guards for your business

Taking security seriously within your company is a must. Failing to do so is simply waiting for disaster to strike and for a criminal act to put the very future of the company you have worked so hard to build in jeopardy.

The modern business faces a wide variety of threats that must be carefully managed including petty theft, vandalism, arson, trespassing, cyber crime, and much more besides.

The only true way to keep your business safe from all these threats is to employ the services of SIA licenced security guards from a professional security company.

If you have recently experienced an incident that has brought your need for increased security to light, or are looking to avoid one in the first place, you have come to the right place.

Expertly trained security officers will dramatically reduce risk on your property and do far more than most people realise once stationed on site.

Why do you need a security guarding presence for your business?

business security

The benefits of professional security services in Leeds provided by a local experienced security company are extensive and we have compiled a list of just some of the biggest reasons that you need them for your business.

Reduce the risk of crime

If you have heard about a rise in crime in your area, or have recently been the victim of crime yourself, security guards will dramatically reduce the risk of you being targeted in the future.

Security officers are a highly visible and effective deterrent to potential criminals and whilst they might not be able to do anything about an increase in crime within your community, they can ensure that you are not the one that pays the price.

Increased productivity

Almost all the businesses that we provide security guarding services for report a notable upturn in productivity levels once they are in place.

There are a couple of reasons why this might be the case. Firstly, if staff see guards walking around as part of their mobile patrols and know that they may be under observation they are less likely to slack off. A nicer way to look at it is that staff will feel much safer with security guards in place and will be able to focus on their work rather than perceived external threats. Either way, your business benefits.

Reduced risk of workplace accidents

In a similar manner to increased productivity as a result of observation, if your staff know that their activities are being tracked, or even simply believe that they may be, they will be far more likely to follow health and safety protocol to the letter.

This will result in a far safer site, reduce the risk of terrible accidents, and reduce the risk of large compensation or insurance claims.

Protection until emergency services arrive

In the event of a serious accident or incident, security officers will take control of your property, keeping people safe until the police or other relevant emergency service arrives.

SIA licenced guards are trained to deal with a variety of emergency situation and will contact the authorities the moment that a situation is detected. They will also work with them once they arrive, telling them exactly what happened and giving them some key information such as the location of the incident and who is still in the building.

Allow you to extend your working hours

You may be wary of asking your employees to work at night due to an increased chance of criminal activity and risk involved. This could be costing your business money and limiting productivity, but at the end of the day, nothing matters more than the safety of your staff.

With a security guard presence this won’t be an issue, ensuring that your staff are fully protected at all times whilst on the premises. If required they can also escort staff to their cars and make sure that they are able to leave the property in the safest possible manner.

Reduce the risk of theft

Security guards lower the chances of criminal activity as a whole, but no crime posses a bigger threat to your business than theft.

security patrol

Theft of assets, goods, and client information all have the potential to cripple a smaller sized business and even for well established companies, the news can spread quickly and you may experience a noticeable drop in business.

Clients are far less likely to use your services if they don’t feel confident that their information or investment will be safe. Putting security guards in place will not only deter criminals but also instil a sense of confidence in your staff and clients that you take your security responsibilities seriously.